Thursday, June 9, 2011

The First Week

Hey, my name's Ally :) 10 BEFORE 21 is about how I'm losing weight during the month of June to try to shed some pounds before my 21st birthday. Prior to June 1st I had already lost 32 pounds, from my starting weight at 176.4 in September. Now I'm going to blast off ten more :P Here I'll show you my progress and how I'm doing it.

As of June 1:
Weight: 144
Jean size: 9
Mile time: ?

Goals for July 1st:
Weight: 134
Jean size: 7
Mile time: 9 min

Goals for August 31st:
Weight: 124
10k time: under 1 hour
Be able to do a pull-up

So its been a full week, so I'll recap how it went. Every day had at least an hour of excercise going on, although a couple days I wasn't the best at recording the food :/ I know this post is rather long because it's the whole week, and including a race day, but bear with me :)

Here's what I'm recording in my journal: the date, my weight, the food i eat, the amount, the time, calories, carbohydrates, protein, fat, water, excercise, and steps.

June 1, Wednesday
Started out great, drank lots of water and went to step class, although during my break at work I went to Snapper Jack's Taco Shack, which I had never been to before. There was a fundraiser there so I wanted to check it out. The food was pretty good, but of course when eating out you have less control over knowing how much is on your plate and what the nutrition info is, and usually it ends up being more than you'd like. I had even bought two things while there, thinking that I would eat one then and then if I got hungry during or after my shift I would eat the other. The burrito I had was a decent size and definitely filled me up. I do recommend Snapper Jack's though. There was this one sauce they had there that was DELICIOUS :D
Water: 144 oz
Excercise: 1 hour

June 2, Thursday
Similar to the day before, although I went to two classes instead of one :) And I ended up having the shrimp taco combo plate that I bought the day before Snapper Jack's: Half for lunch and half for dinner. I didn't write down the times, but I'm pretty sure it was around 2 and then 5, and then I had work from 6-9:30
Water: 132 oz
Excercise: 2 hours

June 3, Friday
Unfortunately did not get myself up to make it to the gym on time, which had been happening alot previous to this week. I set my alarm for getting up to go the gym on time every morning, but some mornings I just can't wake myself up :/ I'm sure alot of you can relate to that.

Therefore I told myself I'd go running later to make up for it, which almost didn't happen because I was tempted to make plans with my friend Katie (because she's friggin awesome and I love hanging with her) but I stuck to my running plans instead and I'm so glad I did. I was going to race at the Love Run in Westlake on Sunday, but had procrastinated signing up mostly because I couldn't decide whether I wanted to do the 5k or the 10k. I had been going to the gym but not running very much so I was thinking about taking it easy and just doing the 5k. But I went running with my dad and we did 5 miles, basically a big loop around our enitre neighborhood, and I was amazed at how good it felt. I didn't get a stitch in my side the whole way which usually happens for at least a little and I was even able to keep up with my dad at the last leg, when he usually zooms off ahead of me. By the time that run was over I knew I could pull off the 10k.
Calories: 1036.5
Water: 96 oz
Excercise: 1 hour

June 4, Saturday
Day before Race Day! Went to Powerpump in the morning, which is an endurance/resistance training class, aka lots of weights :P and when I got home my dad and I went for a short run just to the nearest stop sign and back, about 1.4 miles. And we went to Road Runner Sports so I could register for the 10k and we could pick up our race packets and tshirts. And that's when I was looking around seeing the wall of shoes, and thinking aloud how it could be a possible place to get new running shoes, when my dad said that if I broke a mile in the race he would pay for my new shoes. I had said how confident I felt doing 5 miles in one hour the day before, and that the previous day's run was alot of hills and the race would be mostly flat, and who knows maybe I could do it, but really I was being pretty hopeful.
For dinner of course I had to carbo-load, and I was hanging out with my friends Katie and Helen and we made some awesome Pad Thai with noodles and chicken and peanuts and yummy stuff :)
Weight: 144.6
Calories: 1299
Water: 144 oz
Excercise: 1 hour, 20 min

June 5, Sunday
Race Day! Alright so I didn't exactly pay too much attention to recording, oops lol. So the morning of the race was a little stressful for me because it seemed like I was the only one who had a sense of urgency for us to get out the door and departing so we could get there with enough time. But once we got in the car I started to get excited and plus we were listening to the radio and Eye of the Tiger came on. It was just so perfect, like they knew what we were about to do that morning. I was so glad we had gone to get our packets the day before, because the lines were so long for registration and pick-up that they had to postpone the start of the race 15 minutes. The 5k and the 10k started at the same time and from the same place, so everyone was all gathered at the start, just so many people all getting pumped up and excited. Then the countdown, and the signal to start.

The first mile went really well, at about 9:15. Usually in races me and my dad run side by side the whole time, the only one we haven't was at the Dole Great Race of Agoura Hills, because I didn't sign up for the 10k in time and it sold out, so he ran the 10k and I ran the 5k. But in this one after the first mile he started getting a little bit more and more ahead, and he checked back to see where it was, and it was almost like once he saw that I wasn't far behind, he turned on his boosters and zoomed ahead. I started getting worried that he would leave me behind, because I didn't think I could catch up to him, and I would be all alone. But a little farther he saw that I was getting slower and he ran almost in place to let me catch up, and did that several more times during the course. I did feel a little guilty because he was really running more distance than a 10k, since he kept on coming back for me, but I appreciated it so much for his support and encouragement. I don't think I would ever run as fast as I do without him by my side.

I hit my wall around mile 2.5-3, it got so hard to keep pushing. But I got my second wind soon after the turnaround though, and I was able to keep it up for awhile. The most discouraging part was hearing each mile time being said aloud when we passed and realizing that my pace was getting slower and I was getting farther and farther from my goal time. I just kept concentrating on my breathing and pushing my feet one foot in front of the other, and listening to my dad's words of wisdom and encouragement. 

The only water stations I didn't take water at were the first one, because it was only a half mile in and I didn't need water yet, and the last one, mostly because I didn't want to stop I just wanted to finish and get it over with. There was an extra surprise waiting for us at the last one, though. My sister Lizzie who ran the 5k had come back and joined us to finish the last half mile and keep us going. With my dad and my sister on either side it helped alot with Lizzie saying how awesome I was doing and Dad telling me to 'keep the pace, but wait just a bit longer to bust out the speed'. In the middle of course was me just dying, but I knew it was almost over. It didn't help at all that the last stretch was uphill. First race so far we've done that's had that :/ Sprinted to the end and remembered this time around that there was a photographer ready at the finish and tried to strike a pose while running and try to look good. Every post-race week I dread seeing the pictures posted by each event and seeing myself just looking like I'm in pain. I felt like death afterwards, but I was happy for a PR, but disappointed that it was only by about 20 seconds, but mostly just proud to accomplish it. :) Finished with a chip time of 1:07:31.8

So I failed on recording my food, but pretty much post-race I had a free pancake/orange juice, after showering at home had some pasta with turkey meatballs, for dinner with the family had a delicious meal of tri-tip, potato salad, garlic bread, and fruit, and I can't recall if there was anything else. :P
Weight: 144.9
Excercise: 1 hour, 20 minutes
Steps: 22,441

June 6, Monday
This is where writing things down really helps, because looking back at my mid-morning milkshake, which is one of my favorite meals, I could really cut back some of the ingredients to make it still tasty but definitely lower in calories. That one milkshake there was over 600 calories. I'm definitely going to make a change to that.
That morning's step class was the first one that I had gone to that was the first day of a new routine. I was excited for it because I would be learning it at the same time as everyone else, and not jumping in and trying to learn it when most of the people in the class know it. Hopefully now I'll go to every class for this routine and be a pro by the last class that we do it. I really enjoy these step classes, I started going to them because of my mom. I'm always the youngest one there but I really encourage it for people of all ages, especially those who like to dance.
Weight: 145.1
Calories: 1562
Water: 96 oz
Excercise: 1 hour, 35 min
Steps: 25,844

June 7, Tuesday
So after Powerpump I stayed in the gym to do some cardio, especially since I've read that the best way to do your workout is warm-up, then weights, and then cardio, because "The body needs to burn through its sugar source first before it taps into the fat," "You burn the sugar while doing the weights then burn the fat while doing the cardio." Here's the article if you want to read more :) So anyways, Gold's just recently finished remodeling the gym, and I haven't really used any of the machines or equipment since. But I scouted out an open elliptical and looked closely to realize every machine is new, and they all have individual screens for watching tv, or plugging in your ipod, or just watching your progress. So I started on my chosen elliptical and about eight minutes in decide to switch to the tv mode. I flipped through the channels until I landed at some news show (most of the others had had comercials) just to have something there; I only half paid attention. But about ten minutes later I flip through again, and lo and behold, I've found the Food Network. And Paula Deen was making something scrumptious. It was like I was running towards the delicious looking coleslaw, or those yummy salmon croquettes, or the chocolate mousse the Barefoot Contessa started working on. It. was. awesome. And I left the gym feeling great about my workout :)

Have I mentioned yet that peanut butter is my favorite food? Nature's Path Organic Peanut Butter Granola is sooooooooo tasty!
Weight: 144.0
Calories: 1208
Water: 96 oz
Excercise: 1 hour, 30 min
Steps: 11,139